Tuesday, March 9, 2010

{griffith observatory}

Griffith Observatory 013
Despite thinking it was going to rain all day Sunday, it ended up being a beautiful day so we went to the Griffith Observatory. This was my first time and talking to a few people there, it's even better at night. 
Griffith Observatory 029
The Observatory from afar.
 Love the idea of packing a lunch and bringing a blanket as you can see there's lots of space. Dogs were playing catch, kids chasing each other and lots of runners & bikers.
Griffith Observatory 027
I was amazed at how green everything was, I've been told it won't look like that come June.
Griffith Observatory 023
Infamous Hollywood sign!
Griffith Observatory 010
The houses, the trails, the hills - need I say more.
Griffith Observatory 032
Beautiful view of wonderful Los Angeles!!!

Great end to a lovely afternoon. And after that we went to an Oscar party with all the best finger foods, wines and desserts. Sundays like this are hard to come by and I truly enjoyed it.

{source: my Nikon D3000}

1 comment:

  1. I can see how the 200 lens would have come in handy - but these pics are FAB as is.


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